The VET WEB project has reached an other significant milestone. After extensive planning and development, partners have started delivering the VET-WEB trainings and tools to participants through face-to-face, blended, and fully online means.
Read MoreThe VET WEB project has successfully begun the delivery of the 10 Training & Tools to implement EU models, frameworks, and tools, as well as the 5 Training & Tools to operationalise the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework to the target group. This marks a crucial phase in the project, aimed at enhancing the capabilities of VET providers in the Western Balkans.
Read MoreThe Valorising Experiences for Training in Western Balkans (VET WEB) project has made significant progress in developing processes and tools for the inclusion model. This phase focuses on creating a comprehensive framework to enhance the inclusion of individuals in disadvantaged situations within the job market.
Read MoreYunus Social Business Fund Albania intends to award a service contract for “Provision of international expertise for capacity building and strengthening of the Growpreneur Accelerator Programme, in Albania” (Reference: G81305030/01-24), with financial assistance from the GIZ/EU4Innovation project.
Read MoreUN Women Albania ofron trajnime për Sipërmarrjen Sociale për gratë në zonën e Gjirokastrës. Duke nisur nga prilli deri në qershor 2021, gratë sipërmarrëse do të marrin njohuri rreth biznesit social dhe do të trajnohen se si të drejtojnë një ndërmarrje sociale të suksesshme. Trajnimet u ofrojnë njohuri për perfshirjen e mjeteve kryesore në biznesin e tyre, në mënyrë që të shmangin dështimin. Katër seancat e trajnimit do të zhvillohen në Përmet, në jugun e Shqipërise, duke respektuar masat aktuale të COVID-19.
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